Employment Law

The work of the law firm Dupont Spiller Fadanelli Advogados seeks, in an objective language, the best solution and guidance for issues involving labor relations.

To achieve its goals, the employer needs to be properly safe and protected in everything that concerns labor relations. The fact is that today there is a protective preponderance on the part of the State in favor of the worker, while the entity that provides jobs and generates taxes often finds itself increasingly burdened with impediments to the free exercise of its vocation.

It is in this sense that the preventive work of the Dupont Spiller Fadanelli Advogados law firm seeks to equalize labor relations, assuring professionals of all their rights and duties and clarifying doubts regarding outsourcing, labor reform and Home Office ( teleworking ), while accompanies the objectives and goals of the company creating the necessary legal systems.

The topics related to labor relations that the Dupont Spiller Fadanelli Advogados law firm deals with, thinking about the company, are:

Performance before administrative bodies (MPT and MTE)

Acting in the administrative sphere before the Ministry of Labor and Public Ministry of Labor, in administrative processes and procedures.

Training for Agents and Teams to adapt Labor procedures

We carry out training for companies related to the following topics: performance of representatives in labor justice; the changes resulting from the labor reform; training on the conduct of the judicial process; good business practices; training on practi

Opinions and Preparation of Documents in general related to the Employment Relationship

We provide opinions on any matter related to labor law, with a business focus. In addition, we also prepare employment contracts and other documents arising from the employment relationship.

Collective and individual negotiations

We assist companies in their relationships with unions, as well as accompany company representatives in any Collective Agreements that will be carried out, and we also advise companies in writing the clauses contained in these negotiations.

Evaluation of the Relationship with Service Providers

In this product, we prepare or analyze the service agreement entered into between the parties, with recommendations for good practices.

Labor Consulting

Advice, diagnosis and prevention of labor liabilities, as well as analysis of all practices arising from the employment relationship.

Evaluation of Relationships with Third Parties

Identification of opportunities and solutions in relationships with outsourced services.

Acting in Labor Processes in defense of the Employer's interests

We act in labor justice, in processes with a business focus, whether the individual or legal entity, Plaintiff or Defendant of the lawsuit.

