Blog DSF Advogados

Working together for a truly Economic Cooperation between Brazil and the USA


Since 2011, the United State of America and Brazil are working together to put in operation the Agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation, already agreed.

Influenced by the necessity of rethinking the supply chain and by the technological development, standards issued by the World Customs Organization, and commercial expansion, Brazil and the USA have made a giant step to build an effective bilateral economic cooperation.    

On February 2nd of 2022, the Protocol to the Agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation, Customs Administration, Trade Facilitation, Good Regulatory Practices, and Anticorruption came into force at the international context, being incorporated into the Brazilian Legal system on June 8th of 2022.

But the question is: Is the Protocol to the Agreement on Trade an effective Economic Cooperation?

In my opinion, it is. Let me explain why. The cooperation in this Protocol is not just a word. There are actions that both countries must take in essential points, facilitating trade and customs control.   

At the same time, it creates possibility for a permanent dialogue between the traders and the public authorities about the import, export and Customs control procedures.

Using this format, the Protocol makes possible the permanent development and update of the trade agreement.

Furthermore, there are other elements, which make possible the effective development of the trade operations between both countries.

For example, the use of Electronic Documents and Systems for Traders, making them available and valid for processing any document required for import, export, or transit of goods; use of Technology for the Release and Clearance of Goods,  to provide information about vehicles, shipping containers, packing materials; Electronic Payment, allowing the electronic payment of customs duties, taxes, fees, or charges imposed in connection with importation or exportation and others duties related; Authorized Economic Operator (AEO), in accordance with the Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade of the World Customs Organization.

In Appendix II, the Protocol brings the Good Regulatory Practices, to reduce, or eliminate unnecessary regulatory differences to facilitate trade and promote economic growth, while maintaining or enhancing standards of public health and safety and environmental protection, among other topics.

The tools of Protocol are positive for trade between Brazil and the US. Now, we will have to apply it.

Fábio Stefani,
